About Me
I dabbled in writing for years. After retirement putting thoughts down on paper became a serious endeavor. Writing is my passion. "Life is short," an author said to me. “Just start writing.” So, I did just that.
My first memoir was published in 2017. The book is called, Love and Luck—A Young Woman’s Journey from Berlin to Shanghai to San Francisco. The “young woman” is my mother, and the story contrasts my life with hers. With this work completed, I caught the writing bug—a good virus--and wrote my first novel, A Glass Shattered.
During the pandemic years—not to waste precious time since I could not travel—I devoted my efforts to producing my father’s family’s story, my second memoir, A Smile That Lasts Forever. I also published a book of short stories in 2022.
My professional background is in speech/language disorders. I was a Speech Pathologist for Montgomery County Public Schools (Maryland) for 36 years. As a mother, my interests turned to international adoption. I served on the Board of a group devoted to Latin American adoption-- planning and attending family events and contributing regularly to a monthly bulletin. My stories were published in the F.A.C.E. journal and the magazine Adoptive Family. I read extensively about international adoption and attended numerous workshops. I completed online and in-person writing classes and workshops through Montgomery College, The Writer’s Center Bethesda, and Politics and Prose Bookstore, also working with an editor and various writing mentors.
My website is Karenlevibooks.com. I am on Facebook and Instagram. I contribute stories/essays to Medium.com

Published Works

My Story
My website mirrors my core values of humanism, compassion, insightful and critical thinking, and honesty. I hope you will find inspiration in my words.