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My Blog: Sharing my opinions, feelings, views to all who are interested. My perspective aged like a fine wine. The grapes matured and ripened; the liquid released from the fruit is crisp, clean,clear. Savor from the oak barrel that was built by an experienced crafts person.

Writer's pictureKaren Levi


This line is from Handel's Messiah, and I have taken liberties by using part of the complete text. The actual line is "All we like sheep have gone astray.We have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." I hear the first word as Are we all sheep? The line is commonly misheard.

Though sheep are one of my favorite farm animals. They seem gentle, cute, fluffy, and benign. The connotation of sheep following the herd is commonly accepted. This brings me to the sheep in our country at this time. These sheep are descended from sheep who have followed a dark herder to a dangerous destination for thousands of years, parts of the Australian, English, Scottish, African, and Swiss livestock. They did not learn from their elders, too busy thinking of greener pastures.

At least half of voters (sheep) in November followed a dark leader (Trump and his cronies), not a herding dog with much simpler motives, maintaining order and ensuring that the animals are well-fed and their needs are met.

The Democratic farm animals voted for the hard working, loyal dog of mixed parentage; but she lost. The other sheep--like they are wont to do--tread on the heels of each other, obviously without much thought, to tail the loud predator/leader. It was not just the white sheep who followed but also the brown, black, and Asian sheep. They believed the dark leader would take them to a better place.

The other animals did not follow, the Democratic farm animals. The remaining sheep, donkeys, mules, horses, pigs, and, cows watched in horror, chomping on tasteless grass and oats. The mammals also desired better shelter and feed. Not aggressive but with a mind of their own, these creatures did not complain about the boring feed, for they knew it was better to remain in the stable than be led to the bad place.

These farm animals were angry at the gullible sheep herds; the horses and mules stomped and snorted to no avail. The donkeys brayed loud and clear. Angry pigs were fierce, digging in the dirt ready to charge. No animal wants to be around a furious pig. Piglets cowered. The cows ceased giving milk. However, the docile sheep ignored the tumult.

Sheep have keen hearing and are beholden to their fold. The different breeds could hear the leader/predator loud and clear. They stuck with each other for they prefer to be with their own type. The sheep become anxious if isolated, so off the flock went on their two-toed hoofs, following red faced, orange hairy beast.

The dark leader/predator will take them on a long, long run. It has already begun. He will lie, cheat, and make up weird stories. The sheep will run around in circles, penned in by fences, panting, exhausted, and thoroughly confused. Some will fall and be trampled to death. Soon, some of the smarter sheep will remark: "We did not reach the high meadows with the fresh green grass and pure air. The evil leader, with the fake suntan, has taken us nowhere. The grass is not greener nor the air cleaner. Our herd is dying from lack of care and shelter."

The sheep who followed the weird predator and his techie friends will no longer do well. Years have gone by. Only the sheep that were lambs in 2024 remember when dogs lead the flock. That was a time food and shelter were adequate, not overflowing but ok. The farms have been abandoned or neglected. Where are the farmers, they ponder? Patience is decreasing. The sheep with more status notice that the hefty dark leader and his potbellied friends have more food and shelters than ever. The sheep can view the huge distant structures constructed in pleasant meadows protected by mountains. The braver of the sheep wonder who built the large sheds and stables--probably with heating and air conditioning-- among lush grass, tall green pine trees, and rushing creeks. Though unusual for sheep, they hold meetings to decide their future for they have gone astray. A few brave sheep will jump the fences and explore beyond the abandoned farm to see what has happened. Sheep are not stealthy or sly, but necessity breeds invention, as one knows. These sheep read Plato. This time they travel in pairs, very unusual for sheep.

What will they find? Will they eventually resist the predators? Will they join forces with the patient farm animals? Not the braying donkeys, they had their chance--perhaps the hardworking mules?

©Karen Levi 2024

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