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My Blog: Sharing my opinions, feelings, views to all who are interested. My perspective aged like a fine wine. The grapes matured and ripened; the liquid released from the fruit is crisp, clean,clear. Savor from the oak barrel that was built by an experienced crafts person.


Writer's picture: Karen LeviKaren Levi

Yesterday was Yom Kippur. Since I was fasting, I told myself to be careful, since an empty stomach affects functioning at all levels. But, of course, I forgot to check the top of my car on my final trip of the day to the synagogue. Most of my readers know I sing in the choir. The choir members lug binders full of sheet music to and from rehearsals and the actual holidays. The younger members have switched to using computer tablets which I have yet to try.

I drove the usual route and "Thump." Oh no. Something fell off the top of my car. What could it be? Thankfully, not the camera I once lost or the espresso cup that crashed onto the surface of a parking lot, both falling off the top of my car. No, it was my YK (Yom Kippur) music--as I labeled the binder. I turned around, parked the car, walked to the place on the street. When there was no oncoming traffic, I quickly picked up the binder and ran to safety. It was smooshed, crunched, and bashed. Tire tracks were on the actual sheets of music, not a pretty sight.

Immediately I thought. It is Yom Kippur, certainly the higher power has a message for me in this mishap. 1) Be careful about putting stuff on top of my car. 2) The binder could have been me, a warning about the dangers of traffic as a pedestrian. 3) Not to worry, a thing got run over not a person. 4) Objects can be replaced. The spirit of the Jewish High Holidays cannot be diminished nor can my strength. Cars can run over a binder, but I can still sing.

The music I needed for the last two parts of the holiday religious services was intact in another binder. Phew. I will get new music for next year's holiday, hopefully in good health. And just maybe I will try one more modern improvement, downloading the music onto my Ipad.

Shana tova (Good year), as we say. May we have a safer, healthier, cleaner, saner year. May there be a cease fire in the middle east, negotiations, and a return of all the hostages. May the Gazans get help to clear the rubble and strive to have a better future. Finally, may the higher power put common sense into the brains of the people, who comprise half of the country, who would elect a would-be tyrant, criminal, and a man unfit for any position of authority.

© 2024 KarenLevi

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