Often I hear, "I can't look. It's too much," in regards to movies, museum exhibits, and books which tell a story about war or other horrific events. This attitude serves the perpetrators for they hope the world will forget.

Part of an exhibition at one of the kibbutzim which were attacked by Hamas. Note the bullet hole.
You must see to remember.
You must remember not to forget.
This seems like simple advice, but it is difficult. We must go on living, working, surviving, thriving. We are responsible for our families, ourselves, our community, and the wider world. Compartmentalizing horrors near and far enable us to remain sane and alive, a paradox we find ourselves experiencing.
This is why I look at photos in the newspaper, read books about past genocides, listen to speakers, join in protests, and write this blog. People have asked me why I went to Poland to visit the former concentration camps and other sites of mass murder. My answer was exactly as I have written, to personally experience the sites, so as not to forget.
Protest in Israel to bring hostages home
We cannot lose the pain our ancestors experienced. If we fail to recollect, at worst, genocide will reoccur (which it has in Sudan as I write) and, at best, hatred will arise. Abhorrent rhetoric has already reached an alarming level in the United States. Hostility breeds more aversion which propagates scapegoating, false news, and conspiracy theories. There can be no good consequence to this scenario. Half the voting population in the United States condones the spread of lies which light the fires of racism, Islamaphobia, Antisemitism, and general fear of the other.
Please look. Please remember. Do not forget. Talk about horrors.

© Karen Levi 2024